Auto flight using a Qualcomm Snapdragon Flight platform (2) - docker container

1. Install Docker on the host development machine [1], and then test the installation.

(1) Check version

docker version

(2) Add user to docker group

sudo groupadd docker
sudo usermod -a -G docker {username}

2. Download Flight Pro Docker Image [2]

3. Import Flight Pro Docker Image

docker load < excelsior-arm-sdk-sfpro_docker.tar
docker images

4. Setup a Docker workspace

cd $HOME 
mkdir -p docker/flight_pro 
cp ~/Downloads/ $HOME/docker/flight_pro 
export SPRINT="null" 
./ atlflight/excelsior-arm-sdk-sfpro_docker
*This will launch you into a Docker bash shell running the same variant of Linux as the Flight Pro hardware as shown in the following picture. This script also creates a sdk_home directory in your docker workspace on your Host machine. Any changes you make within Docker $HOME will be mirrored to the sdk_home host workspace directory.

5. Build & test

(1) download the from the Files tab of this support site to your Development machine then extract and copy in the examples folder to your Docker workspace sdk_home directory

(2) Find the corresponding examples folder in the docker shell and build it.

(3) Find the built binary in your workspace sdk_home directory and execute it in the Flight Pro target using ADB.

cd $HOME/docker/flight_pro/sdk_home/examples/cmake/build 
adb mkdir -p /data/bin/ 
adb push hello /data/bin/ 
adb shell ./data/bin/hello




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