Linux command, C++
1. argc, argv (C++) Reference: argc-argv.html 2. cp (copy file or folder to another directory) (Linux) Reference: cp-command 3. vector (C++) Reference: Vector 4. assert (C++) ex: assert(iTotalNumber < 1000); Means若 iTotalNumber < 1000 則程式可以繼續執行;若iTotalNumber >= 1000 ,則會秀出維護錯誤訊息的字串,並結束程式。 5. chmod (Linux) Revise file property. (chmod 777 file) Reference: chmod , chmod2 6. rm (Linux) For deleting files, folders... Reference: rm 7. readlink Find file's path ex: readlink -f file.txt 8. clone Copy a data without possibility of interfacing to original parameter. Reference: clone() 9. Iterator Reference: iterator 10. reserve Reference: reserve 11. erase Reference: erase 12. Gaussian distribution noise Reference: Gaussian noise 13. const 可用於修飾函數傳遞參數,在函數內不可被改變。 Reference: const 14. Meaning of "make -jn" Denotes how many threads you w...