
目前顯示的是 8月 5, 2018的文章

Linux command, C++

1. argc, argv (C++) Reference:  argc-argv.html 2. cp (copy file or folder to another directory) (Linux) Reference:  cp-command 3. vector (C++) Reference:  Vector 4. assert (C++) ex: assert(iTotalNumber < 1000); Means若 iTotalNumber < 1000 則程式可以繼續執行;若iTotalNumber >= 1000 ,則會秀出維護錯誤訊息的字串,並結束程式。 5. chmod (Linux) Revise file property. (chmod 777 file) Reference:  chmod ,  chmod2 6. rm (Linux) For deleting files, folders... Reference:  rm 7. readlink Find file's path ex: readlink -f file.txt 8. clone Copy a data without possibility of interfacing to original parameter. Reference:  clone() 9. Iterator Reference:  iterator 10. reserve Reference:  reserve 11. erase Reference:  erase 12. Gaussian distribution noise Reference:  Gaussian noise 13. const 可用於修飾函數傳遞參數,在函數內不可被改變。 Reference:  const 14. Meaning of "make -jn" Denotes how many threads you w...


1. size Reference:  OpenCV基本結構(Point、Size、Rect等) 2. stereoRectify Computes rectification transforms for each head of a calibrated stereo camera. 3. resize resize(input_img, output_img, cv::Size(), scale, scale); 4. at Reference:  像素巡訪(at、ptr) 5. Rodrigues Reference:  Introduction to Rodrigues 6. Extract specific Mat region cv::Rect. cv::Range Reference:  获取Mat图像的ROI区域 ,  https://www.cnblogs.com/adong7639/p/4360225.html 7. Mat fomat  Reference:  影像格式(Mat) 8. GaussianBlur Reference:  OpenCV高斯平滑

Visual odometry step by step ( ZED stereo camera )

1. Initial setting:  Install OpenCV extra modules  Setting nsight environment (include and lib path)  Confirm ZED Serial number (/usr/local/zed/tools/ ZED Explorer )  Key in ZED SN to get camera matrix and rectified images 後來改成用ZED SDK得到camera matrix (每次run程式時,回傳值都有一點誤差,可能是環境溫度等等造成)  Open ZED Camera and get real-time rectified images Reference: Homepage zed-examples zed&opencv zed-opencv-native 2. Feature matching / Stereo matching: Convert ZED source images to grayscale images Declare an OpenCV matcher (ex: BFMatcher )  Search match points between two images (left and right) Storing keypoints into vectors  Using RANSAC method to find good stereo matching points ( findHomography OpenCV Fundamental matrix function ) Draw and Display good stereo matching points according  RANSAC_mask   Reference: 立体匹配算法(Stereo Matching)及其在OpenCV中的应用 OpenCV Stereo Matching の性能比較 Viulib tutorial_feature_flann_matche...

ROS installation errors and solutions

Q1. The following packages have unmet dependencies: ros-kinetic-desktop-full : Depends: ros-kinetic-desktop but it is not going to be installed Depends: ros-kinetic-perception but it is not going to be installed Depends: ros-kinetic-simulators but it is not going to be installed Depends: ros-kinetic-urdf-tutorial but it is not going to be installed E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages. Solution: Reset system setting (Software Updater) sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list sudo software-properties-gtk Pick your options (Choose all options of Download from the internet, Download from Main server , Other software: delete "duplicates" as following picture) Close and reload (upgrade) Reference:  https://askubuntu.com/questions/760896/how-can-i-fix-apt-error-w-target-packages-is-configured-multiple-times ,  https://blog.csdn.net/xiangxianghehe/article/details/78483799 Q2. binary-arm64/Packages 404 Not Found Solution: apt-get remove .*:arm64...