
目前顯示的是 1月 13, 2019的文章

Tuing PID parameters in QGroundcontrol (1)

[Attitude control module] [Position control module]  Tip1: Default value => Tuning P (As big as possible if no oscillation occurred ) => Tuning D (As big as possible if no oscillation occurred )  => Tuning I (Should not too big ) Tip2: Both parameters in m ulticopter attitude control  module and   multicopter position control  module influence the flight of offboard flight mode. [3] Tip3: Tuning the hovering throttle is needed if your system is overweight or too lightweight. ( Default hovering throttle is 50% ) *ADVANCED TUNING: For more robust position control of a multicopter. [4-5] Reference: [1]  无人机系统PX4视频教程:飞行PID参数调试 [2] C:\Users\shomin\Desktop\School\精華\PX4開發教學\PX4初级视频教程\第X讲:飞行PID参数调试\第X讲:飞行PID参数调试 [3]  PX4 Architectural Overview [4]  https://docs.px4.io/en/config_mc/advanced_mc_position_tuning.html [5]  https://docs.px4.io/en/advanced_config/parameter_reference.html#MPC_ACC_HOR