記錄從raw image到depth map的工具及步驟。 (目的: 得到像直接使用ZED Camera SDK一樣的校正後影像及深度圖) [MATLAB (Stereo camera calibration)] 事先準備好左右相機的各角度拍攝校正板之影像,輸入APP即可得到Camera Matrix。 Reference: Image Acquisition Toolbox (可用來開啟XIMEA Camera) ステレオ キャリブレーション アプリ stereoCameraCalibrator Camera Calibration Toolbox for Matlab [OpenCV] Step1: Capture and save raw L/R images with chessboard in a folder. Step2: Calibration. Reference: Capture image , (1) StereoCapture.cpp Save image stereocalibrate.cpp (2) zed-opencv-native [Sum up of calibrating a XIMEA stereo camera] 1. Capture and save raw L/R images with chessboard in a folder. (nsight: Camera_realtime project) 2. Open Matlab input: stereoCameraCalibrator 3. Choose L/R images path and chessboard width (ex:23mm) 4. Click calibrate 5. Click Export camera parameter -> generate MATLAB script *Command: " cameraCalibrator" for single camera calibration