
目前顯示的是 2月 16, 2020的文章

Auto flight using a Qualcomm Snapdragon Flight platform (1) - Installation

0. SD Card Recovery (1) Download the singleimage.bin recovery image and connect an 8Gb microSD card to your Linux box. (2) Determine the /dev/sd* device corresponding to your SD card. ex: fdisk -l (3) Flash the image to the SD card: sudo dd if=singleimage.bin of=<SD card device root> ex: sudo dd if=singleimage.bin of=/dev/sdb1 (4) Power down your Flight Pro hardware then insert the microSD into the SD Card slot and power it back on. 0. Install  ADB  and make sure it works ( a microusb cable is needed! ) (1) Installation apt-get install android-tools-adb android-tools-fastboot (2) Check (connect platform with a micro usb cable) adb devices adb shell 1. Upgrading the BSP (board support package) *Solution for the error message: insufficient permissions for device Add the following lines in jflash.sh file before modelIdApq=$( adb shell getprop ro.product.name | tr -d '[:space:]' ): sudo adb kill-server sudo adb start-server 2. I