
目前顯示的是 10月 7, 2018的文章

Getting Started with ODROID-XU4

1. Installing a new OS onto the memory card 2. Boot up the ODROID-XU4 (Be patient....) 3. Delete "lock" file located at /var/lib/apt/lists/ sudo rm -R /var/lib/apt/lists/lock 4. Update & Upgrade Reference: User manual (paper),  odroid-xu4-user-manual.pdf ,  https://wiki.odroid.com/odroid-xu4/odroid-xu4    5. Install Compute Library (version 18.08) Reference:  ComputeLibrary ,  https://www.cnx-software.com/2018/05/13/how-to-get-started-with-opencl-on-odroid-xu4-board-with-arm-mali-t628mp6-gpu/ Keypoint1: While setupping the vender ICD file, command should be: sudo sh -c 'echo "/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/mali-egl/libOpenCL.so" > /etc/OpenCL/vendors/armocl.icd' Keypoint2: While building the sources, command should be: scons Werror=1 -j 2 debug=0 neon=1 opencl=1 embed_kernels=1 os=linux arch=armv7a build=native 6. Install OpenCV (The part of "BUILDING ON UBUNTU") Reference:  (1)  https://github.com/cesco345/Open...

Intel RTF with PX4FLOW

Reference:  INTEL AERO DRONE - ALTITUDE AND POSITION HOLD USING PX4FLOW Keypoints: 1. PX4FLOW calibration: (1) Install PX4 toolchain ex: sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-none-eabi & sudo apt-get install build-essential Reference: https://github.com/travisgoodspeed/md380tools/issues/103 (2) Clone the source git clone https://github.com/PX4/Flow cd flow  make all  make upload-usb (3) Connect PX4FLOW with PC using USB cable, update will finish automatically (4) Open QGroundControl (5) Focusing the lens (6) Set parameters ( BFLOW_F_THLD: 10, BFLOW_V_THLD: 7000) Reference:  https://docs.px4.io/en/sensor/px4flow.html ,  https://github.com/PX4/Flow ,  http://ardupilot.org/copter/docs/common-px4flow-overview.html Fly with altitude holding mode ! *Tools for flight Log Analysis:  pyFlightAnalysis, FlightPlot, ... (1) Get flight log file from /var/lib/mavlink-router/ (*.ulg for PX4 or *.bin for ArduPilot) (2) Ana...