
目前顯示的是 11月 4, 2018的文章

Flashing Jetson Xavier

1. Download Jetpack 4.1 [1] 2. Flashing the Xavier just like flashing TX2 [2] *If fails to install OpenCV or CUDA with the same problem as shown in the following picture Solution: Key in ps aux | egrep -v '(dnsmasq|grep)' | egrep --color=never '(apt|dpkg)' on the Xavier terminal. [3] 3. Check if everything has been installed correctly. [4] *sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend *apt --fix-broken install *sudo apt-get install XXX 4. Copy the visionworks sample to ~/ and build [5] 5. Change nvpmode to 0 which enables 8 cores and test the samples [6] 6. Maximize the Jetson Xavier performance [7] sudo ${ HOME } /jetson_clocks.sh *If previous projects could not execute normally (report error:  no CUDA-capable device is detected ), it's necessary to renew the NVIDIA driver [8] or manually modify some related scripts. [9] Reference: [1]  https://developer.nvidia.com/embedded/jetpack [2]  JetPack 4.1 - NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier [3]  ...

Using OpenCL in a nsight developing environment

1. Installation:  ubuntu14.04安装intel openCL ,  Ubuntu16.04 安装OpenCV&OpenCL ,  Generic ubuntu packages for OpenCL ,  Install Proprietary Nvidia GPU Drivers On Ubuntu 16.04 / 17.10 / 18.04 Check the installation result by keying in command: nvidia-settings  *Do not need to install the OpenCL library for CPU. *GPU driver choose the newest 410.66. *Type " sudo apt-get remove beignet*" while reporting "X server found. dri2 connection failed!" 2. Copy libOpenCL.so present in your cuda toolkit (lib64) to the above location. ex:  sudo cp /usr/local/cuda-9.0/lib64/libOpenCL.so /usr/lib 3. Setting the path of head file. (/usr/include/CL/...) Reference:  OpenCL: 从零开始学习OpenCL开发 ,  OpenCL 教學(一)

IDS USB camera user guide

1. Download "IDS Software Suite 4.90.06 for Linux" and install [1] 2. Start the uEye daemon by typing sudo /etc/init.d/ueyeethdrc start 3. Adjust lens using demo application ( /usr/local/share/ueye/bin ) 4. Download samples [2] 5. Build a project in nsight editor include: /usr/inlude/ueye.h library: /usr/lib/libueye_api.so Reference: [1] https://en.ids-imaging.com/tl_files/downloads/uEye_SDK/readme/ueye-linux-readme-49006_EN.html#installation [2] https://en.ids-imaging.com/programming-examples.html