Matlab Pixhawk Support Package installation (Windows)
1. Download the pixhawk support package [1]
2. Open MATLAB R2017b and navigate to the file location.
2. Open MATLAB R2017b and navigate to the file location.
3. Click "PX4PSP_v3_0_4_351_R2017b" and install it
5. Setting bash environment for windows 10 [2]
4. Create a folder for firmware download path (ex: D/PX4)
5. Setting bash environment for windows 10 [2]
(1) Active "Windows subsystem for linux"
(2) Download and install Ubuntu
(3) Using the terminal like in Ubuntu environment
6. Install all necessary toolchain with "" [3] or using Cygwin Toolchian [4] or [5] (python27 would show in following folder)
7. Key in command "PixhawkPSP('D:\PX4')" in the Matlab
11. Build firmware
*Error: make command not found
Solution: [7]
*Error: make command not found
Solution: [7]
To do: Check [8][9][10] for more installation and upload details of px4. (Using eclipse to build firmware?)
[1] Download the Pixhawk PSP from MATLAB® and Simulink®:
[1] Download the Pixhawk PSP from MATLAB® and Simulink®:
[3] Bash on Windows Toolchain
[4] Windows Cygwin Toolchain
[6] Building PX4 Software
[7] windows+cmake+mingw 搭建c/c++开发环境
[8] PX4 Development Kit for Simulink
[9] Pixhawk PX4 AutoPilot how to setup Toolchain and how to upload new firmware
[10] Installing the toolchain and setting up the development environment
[4] Windows Cygwin Toolchain
[6] Building PX4 Software
[7] windows+cmake+mingw 搭建c/c++开发环境
[8] PX4 Development Kit for Simulink
[9] Pixhawk PX4 AutoPilot how to setup Toolchain and how to upload new firmware
[10] Installing the toolchain and setting up the development environment
Sorry, is that the terminal tell you \bin\bash :make command not found while you build?
回覆刪除if yes, try turn C:\Windows\System32\bash.exe to C:\Windows\Sysnative\bash.exe ( don't care the vaildate paths
Reference : Pixhawk Pilot Support Package (PSP) User Guide Version 3.04
Thanks for your suggestion, I will give it a shoot. By the way, I have solved this problem while building the PX4 firmware in the Ubuntu 16.04.