Auto flight using a Qualcomm Snapdragon Flight platform (6) - Qualcomm Navigator API examples

1. Installation

$ git clone
$ adb shell "mkdir -p /home/linaro/examples"
$ adb push snav_api_examples /home/linaro/examples
$ adb shell
$ make  
2. Running the examples - basic

$ start snav (Blue LED will blink)

$ ./snav_read_attitude (prints the roll, pitch, and yaw angles)
$ ./snav_send_esc_commands_keybaord (spin the motors, and control the motor signals through keyboard command)

3. Running the example - advanced (Using Qualcomm Navigator simulator)

$ adb shell
$ cd /home/linaro
$ git clone (target should be switched to station mode beforehand)
$ cd snav_fci
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make -j4

(Open a new command window)
$ sudo stop snav
$ sudo snav -w 1000 (start simulation environment)

(Open a new command window)
$ snav_inspector (For observe the live simulated results)

$ cd /home/linaro/snav_fci/build/bin
$ ./XXX (XXX is the example you want to simulate)

[1] Qualcomm® Snapdragon Navigator™ Developer Guide (80-P4698-20 B), August 8, 2017.



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