PIxhawk Pilot Support (PSP) configuration (Linux 16.04 with Matlab 2017b)

1. Download Pixhawk Support Package and install it [1]

(1) Open Matlab
(2) Change Matlab file directory to the path of  "PX4PSP_v3......"
(3) Click and install

2. Set linux build environment

(1) Install gcc-arm-none-eabi v5.4.

wget https://github.com/SolinGuo/arm-none-eabi-bash-on-win10-/raw/master/gcc-arm-none-eabi-5_4-2017q2-20170512-linux.tar.bz2

tar -jxf gcc-arm-none-eabi-5_4-2017q2-20170512-linux.tar.bz2

exportline="export PATH=$HOME/gcc-arm-none-eabi-5_4-2017q2/bin:\$PATH"

if grep -Fxq "$exportline" ~/.bashrc; then echo " GCC path already set."; else echo $exportline >> ~/.bashrc; fi

. ~/.bashrc

(2) Install dependencies

source ubuntu_sim_common_deps.bash

3. Create a empty folder for storing the firmware


4. Build firmware 

(1) Run the PixhawkPSP setup UI from MATLAB


(2) Click "Download Firmware"

(3) Select Cmake configuration you prefer [2]

ex: Intel® Aero Ready to Fly Drone: aerofc-v1_default

4. Build

*Method2 for those who still failed...(like [3]):
1. Setting ARM environment [4]
2. Download PX4 toolchain (source ubuntu_combined.sh) [5]
3. Run the PixhawkPSP setup UI from MATLAB
4. Download firmware
5. cd firmware
6. sudo make aerofc-v1_default

[1] Pixhawk Support Package
[2] build commands for common boards
[3] https://jp.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/422879-error-building-pixhawk-in-external-mode
[4] Setting the ARM enviroment on Linux - Installing arm-none-eabi-gcc
[5] https://github.com/mathworks/PX4-Setup



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