Using the xfOpenCV library on a Xiinx FPGA board


1. xfOpenCV function (Refer to : Xilinx OpenCV User GuideOpenCV on Zynq Webinar 1)
      (1) Read the image using cv::imread().
      (2) Copy the data to xf::Mat.
      (3) Call the processing function(s) in xfOpenCV.
      (4) Copy the data from xf::Mat to cv::Mat.
      (5) Write the output to image using cv::imwrite().

Note: For reVISION platform, there is no need to explicitly add the xfOpenCV library as an additional source locally in the SDx project. 
  • For ZCU102 based platforms, the xfOpenCV library is available in the <platform_root>/sw/a53_linux/inc/xfopencv folder.
  • For the ZC702 based platforms, the xfOpenCV library is available in the <platform_root>/sw/a9_linux/inc/xfopencv folder.                                                                (ex: home/shomin/zc702_trd/sw/a9_linux/inc/xfopencv)
Changing the Hardware Kernel Configuration (For importing xfOpenCV examples): 
  • Update the <path to xfOpenCV git folder>/ xfOpenCV/examples/<function>/xf_config_params.h file.
  • Update the makefile along with the xf_config_params.h file.
xf::Mat Image Container Class:

2. User defined function (Refer to: Opencv on Zynq Webinar 2 (P14~))



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