Auto flight using a Qualcomm Snapdragon Flight platform (1) - Installation

0. SD Card Recovery

(1) Download the singleimage.bin recovery image and connect an 8Gb microSD card to your Linux box.

(2) Determine the /dev/sd* device corresponding to your SD card.
ex: fdisk -l

(3) Flash the image to the SD card: sudo dd if=singleimage.bin of=<SD card device root>
ex: sudo dd if=singleimage.bin of=/dev/sdb1

(4) Power down your Flight Pro hardware then insert the microSD into the SD Card slot and power it back on.

0. Install ADB and make sure it works (a microusb cable is needed!)

(1) Installation
apt-get install android-tools-adb android-tools-fastboot

(2) Check (connect platform with a micro usb cable)
adb devices
adb shell

1. Upgrading the BSP (board support package)

*Solution for the error message: insufficient permissions for device

Add the following lines in file before modelIdApq=$( adb shell getprop | tr -d '[:space:]' ):

sudo adb kill-server
sudo adb start-server

2. Install Machine Vision SDK

(1) Download the latest Machine Vision SDK

(2) Push the Machine Vision installer to the target via ADB and install
adb shell mkdir -p /data/bin
adb push mv_1.1.9_8x96.ipk /data/bin
adb shell opkg install /data/bin/mv_1.1.9_8x96.ipk

(3) Install the Machine Vision license
adb shell mkdir -p /opt/qcom-licenses
adb push snapdragon-flight-license.bin /opt/qcom-licenses/

3. Install Navigator SDK
(1) Download the latest Navigator SDK

(2) Push the Navigator installer to the target via ADB and install
adb shell mkdir -p /data/bin 
adb push snav_1.2.59_8x96.ipk /data/bin 
adb shell opkg install /data/bin/snav_1.2.59_8x96.ipk 
adb shell /etc/snav/

(3) Navigator configuration and start it

Modify the .xml files located in: /usr/lib/rfsa/adsp/
adb shell start snav
(4) Sensor calibration
snav_calibration_manager -s (Static calibration of the Accelerometer)

snav_calibration_manager -t 5 (Thermal calibration of the IMU)

4. Set up Cross Compiler environment (Host Linux machine)

(1) Download and extract the archive

(2) Install SDK

SDKROOT='/path/to/sdk/install/location' (Assign by yourself.)
export SDKROOT
./ -y -D -d $SDKROOT 
source $SDKROOT (/cross_compiler/scripts)

(3) Verify If the environment is setup correctly 
source $SDKROOT/environment-setup-armv7a-vfp-neon-oemllib32-linux 
cd cross_compiler/examples/cross_compile/cmake 
mkdir build && cd build 
cmake ..
adb shell mkdir -p /data/bin/ 
adb push hello /data/bin/ 
adb shell ./data/bin/hello 



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