Advanced parameters tuning for evaluating the control performance


The PX4 position controller consists of an outer P position-control loop and an inner PID velocity-control loop as shown in the following figure. 

Usually in PX4,  position-control represents the case where both loops are active while velocity-control refers to the case when only the velocity control loop is in use.
Multicopter position controller [1]

Here are some parameters you can set for realizing better control performance [3]. Make sure you have finished the basic PID tuning before tuning the parameters mentioned in this article.

  1. MPC_HOLD_DZ: Deadzone of sticks where position hold is enabled.
  2. MPC_ACC_HOR_MAX: Maximum horizontal acceleration for auto mode and for manual mode.
  3. MPC_ACC_HOR: Acceleration for auto and for manual.
  4. MPC_DEC_HOR_SLOW: Slow horizontal manual deceleration for manual mode.
  5. MPC_ACC_UP_MAX: Maximum vertical acceleration in velocity controlled modes upward.
  6. MPC_ACC_DOWN_MAX: Maximum vertical acceleration in velocity controlled modes down.

***The lag will be more significant the larger the value of MPC_ACC_HOR.***




Useful PX4 Parameters

Tuing PID parameters in QGroundcontrol (2)

Matlab Pixhawk Support Package installation (Windows)