SLAM realization using a stereo camera (Intel R200 RealSense equipped on intel AERO)

1. Flashing the Intel AERO [1][2]

(1) Erase Yocto and use all space for Ubuntu
(2) Press "shift" + "ESC" for accessing to the GRUB screen (if keyboard and mouse are frozen...)

2. Install RealSense SDK [2]

3. Install ROS [3]

4. Install RTAB-Map [4]

5. Install ORBSLAM2
(1) Pangolin
(2) OpenCV
(3) Eigen3

6. Make catkin workspace

▪ mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
▪ cd ~/catkin_ws/src
▪ catkin_init_workspace
▪ cd ~/catkin_ws/
▪ catkin_make

7. Install ORBSLAM2 & ROS Nodes [4]

Key: Copy necessary library to correct directory. (Solution for installing ROS Nodes) [5]

To do list:
(1) Control the intel AERO screen remotely. (like VNC)
(2) Completely understand the principle of ORBSLAM2
(3) Send SLAM information to flight controller (mavros)

8. Get camera parameters and save them in a .yaml file [4]


roscd realsense_camera
roslaunch realsense_camera r200_nodelet_rgbd.launch &
rosrun ORB_SLAM2 RGBD {path}/ORB_SLAM2/Vocabulary/ORBvoc.txt {path}/RealSense.yaml /camera/depth_registered/image_raw:=/camera/depth/image_raw

[4] simultaneous localization and mapping on a quadcopter
[5] ubuntu16.04编译ORBSLAM2问题解决



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