Using OpenCL in a nsight developing environment

1. Installation: ubuntu14.04安装intel openCLUbuntu16.04 安装OpenCV&OpenCLGeneric ubuntu packages for OpenCLInstall Proprietary Nvidia GPU Drivers On Ubuntu 16.04 / 17.10 / 18.04

Check the installation result by keying in command: nvidia-settings 

*Do not need to install the OpenCL library for CPU.

*GPU driver choose the newest 410.66.

*Type "sudo apt-get remove beignet*" while reporting "X server found. dri2 connection failed!"

2. Copy present in your cuda toolkit (lib64) to the above location.

ex: sudo cp /usr/local/cuda-9.0/lib64/ /usr/lib

3. Setting the path of head file. (/usr/include/CL/...)



Useful PX4 Parameters

Tuing PID parameters in QGroundcontrol (2)

Matlab Pixhawk Support Package installation (Windows)