Intel RTF auto flying using dronecore SDK

1. Installation

(1) Install the dependencies

(2) Clone the DronecodeSDK repository

(3) Checkout the release/branch

(4) Update the submodules:

(5) Build the (debug) C++ library

(6) System-wide Install
make clean  #REQUIRED!
make default
sudo make default install  # sudo required to install files to system directories!

# First installation only
sudo ldconfig  # update linker cache
*Head files and library path: /usr/local


2. Building the Examples

(1) cd /home/DronecodeSDK

cd example/takeoff_and_land/
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..

3. Build project in Nsight for simulation

(1) Setting head files and library path
(2) Copy source code of example: takeoff_and_land offboard_velocity to Main.cpp
(3) Revise communication part: connection_url = "udp://:14540";
(4) Setting up a simulator

Ex: jMAVSim (pre-installation is needed: jMAVSim/Gazebo Simulation)

cd /home/shomin/Firmware
make posix_sitl_default jmavsim

(5) Build && Run

Reference: modeOffboard Control from linux

4. Execute on the Intel RTF

(1) Power on Intel RTF ( Ubuntu 4.4.76-aero-1.2 ) and connect the same Wifi source with PC
(2) Create file: qgc.conf and fill in PC IP address
  • sudo mkdir /etc/mavlink-router/config.d
  • sudo gedit /etc/mavlink-router/config.d/qgc.conf
(3) Restart the router
  • sudo systemctl restart mavlink-router
(4) Revise connection part in the project
  • connection_url = ""; (drone's ip address)
  • connection_result = dc.add_tcp_connection(connection_url,5760);
*For communicating with drone using UART interface

(5) Build && Run (Take out all cables while testing)




Useful PX4 Parameters

Tuing PID parameters in QGroundcontrol (2)

Matlab Pixhawk Support Package installation (Windows)